Arabian Sea signed an agreement with the company proficiency Jordanian Electricity Distribution Company products Arabian Sea in Jordan. The agreement was signed on behalf of the company’s chief executive Professor Haitham bin Mohammed Asheibani with the CEO of Proficiency Mr. Bassam Al-Otaibi. The agreement is part of the achievement of company objectives Alastruthristih to promote proliferation and access to customers everywhere also pointed professor Haitham bin Mohammed Asheibani who stressed the importance of the expansion of the geographical spread to include all Arab countries in order to achieve more sales and the consolidation of niche products Arabian Sea company in the software market Arabic.
Ambitions proficiency Company as Mr. Bassam Al-Otaibi that said this agreement achieved in the market with an excellent reputation and high quality products that can compete strongly in the Jordanian software market not to mention the long-proficiency in dealing with those products company experience, pointing out that mastering company based Arabian Sea Company for the management systems its internal years ago, which is an asset of the expertise that would contribute to providing the best service to customers.