Arab Sea Information Systems Company invites its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (first meeting) through modern technology
Arab Sea Information Systems
Media Center December 5, 2023
Arab Sea Information Systems Company invites its shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (first meeting) through modern technology
Element ListExplanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of Arab Sea Company is pleased to invite the honorable shareholders to participate and vote in the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting), which is scheduled to be held through modern technology, God willing, at exactly 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening 28-12-2023 corresponding to 15-06-1445
City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting At the company’s headquarters in Riyadh, Al-Rayyan district – through modern technology
URL for the Meeting Location
Date of the General Assembly’s Meeting 2023-12-28 Corresponding to 1445-06-15
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 19:00
Attendance Eligibility Shareholders who are registered in the issuers shareholders record at the Depositary Center by the end of the trade session prior to the general assembly meeting and in accordance with the laws and regulations. The shareholder has the right to discuss the topics listed on the assembly’s agenda and ask questions
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting The Ordinary General Assembly meeting will be valid if it is attended by shareholders representing (at least a quarter of the capital), and if the quorum required to hold this meeting is not available, the second meeting will be held one hour after the end of the period specified for holding the first meeting, and the second meeting will be valid (regardless of the number of shares). represented in it
General Assembly Meeting Agenda 1. Voting on the amendment on the Audit Committee Charter (attached)

2. Voting on the amendment on the Remuneration and Nomination Committee Charter (attached)

3. Voting on the amendment on the Board of Directors Membership Policies and Standards (attached)

4. Voting on the amendment on the Remuneration Policy for Board of Directors and Committees Members and Executive Management (attached)

5. Voting on transferring the balance of the statutory reserve amounting to (16,501,562) Saudi riyals as in the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2022 to retained earnings account .

Proxy Form

The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right. (Mentioning the E-Voting details, if any) Shareholders registered in Tadawulaty services will be able to vote remotely on the items of the assembly, starting from one o’clock in the morning on sunday 24/12/2023 AD corresponding to 11/06/1445 AH, until the end of the time of the assembly. Registration and voting in Tadawulaty services will be available and free for all shareholders using Next link


Eligibility for Attendance Registration and Voting Eligibility for Registering the Attendance of the General Assembly’s Meeting Ends upon the Convenience of the General Assembly’s Meeting. Eligibility for Voting on the Business of the Meeting Agenda Ends upon the Counting Committee Concludes Counting the Votes
Method of Communication To answer your inquiries, please contact the Shareholders Relations Department via phone number 920000559 or number 0114964444 ext. 111

Or via e-mail:

Additional Information Remote voting will be sufficient
Attached Documents