Arab Sea Information Systems Company announces the latest developments on the purchase of an office tower, with the completion of the transfer of ownership of the tower’s deed to the company’s name.
Arab Sea Information Systems
Media Center December 16, 2024
Arab Sea Information Systems Company announces the latest developments on the purchase of an office tower, with the completion of the transfer of ownership of the tower’s deed to the company’s name.
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Introduction Arab Sea Information Systems Company would like to announce to its honorable shareholders that it has completed the procedures for transferring ownership of the tower deed to the company on Monday, 16-12-2024 AD
Previous Announcement Arab Sea Information Systems Company announces the signing of a contract to purchase the office tower with Mr. Muhammad Saleh Al Suhaibani, which consists of 23 floors with a total area of 6,510 square meters, located in the north of Riyadh, in Al Sahafa District, to be the headquarters of the company and its subsidiaries.
Date of Previous Announcement on Saudi Exchange’s Website 2024-08-19 Corresponding to 1446-02-15
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement on the Saudi Exchange Website Click Here
Latest Developments Of The Announced Event The procedures for transferring ownership of the tower deed to the company completed on Monday, 16-12-2024 AD.
The costs associated with the event, and if they have changed or not with indication of the reasons. The company paid the value of the real estate transaction tax in the amount of 2,950,000 Saudi riyals