Arab Sea Information Systems Co. announces its interim consolidated financial results for the period ending on 03-31- 2022 ( Three Months )
Arab Sea Information Systems
Media Center May 17, 2022
Arab Sea Information Systems Co. announces its interim consolidated financial results for the period ending on 03-31- 2022 ( Three Months )
Element ListCurrent QuarterSimilar quarter for previous year%ChangePrevious Quarter% Change
Sales/Revenue 8,912,9658,865,9880.52923,496,030-62.066
Gross Profit (Loss) 2,611,3793,962,169-34.09215,040,023-82.637
Operational Profit (Loss) -3,222,215248,878159,879
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax -3,576,92675,07111,345,449
Total Comprehensive Income -3,576,92675,07111,028,105
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element ListTotal Share Holders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity)
Current Period143,638,913
Similar period for previous year141,763,363
Profit (Loss) per Share
Current Period-0.36
Similar period for previous year0.01
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element ListCurrent PeriodSimilar period for previous year%Change
Total Share Holders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 143,638,913141,763,3631.323
Profit (Loss) per Share -0.360.01
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element ListThe reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is
ExplanationThe reason for the decrease in net profit in the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year is due to:

1. The increase in the cost of revenues in the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year by 28.5%, due to an increase in Wages (localization of professions) and the rise of other cost components.

2. An increase in selling and administrative expenses for the current quarter by 57.1% over the same quarter of the previous year, due to the increase in wages (localization of professions) as well as the requirements for establishing a subsidiary company (Arab Sea Financial Company).

3. Zakat was re-linked for the years 2019 AD and 2020 AD, which affected the net profit for the current quarter

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous period of the current year is
ExplanationThe reason for the decrease in net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter is due to the decrease in revenues in the current quarter compared to the previous quarter by 62.06%, given that the fourth quarter is the best quarter of the year for the company’s revenues.
Statement of the type of external auditor’s report
ExplanationUnmodified conclusion
Modification, Qualification or Emphasis of a Matter as Stated within the External Auditor Opinion
Reclassification of Comparison Items
ExplanationCertain comparative figures for the period ending on March 31, 2021 have been reclassified to conform to the presentation and classification of the current period
Element ListExplanation
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the last year is The reason for the decrease in net profit in the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year is due to:

1. The increase in the cost of revenues in the current quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year by 28.5%, due to an increase in Wages (localization of professions) and the rise of other cost components.

2. An increase in selling and administrative expenses for the current quarter by 57.1% over the same quarter of the previous year, due to the increase in wages (localization of professions) as well as the requirements for establishing a subsidiary company (Arab Sea Financial Company).

3. Zakat was re-linked for the years 2019 AD and 2020 AD, which affected the net profit for the current quarter

The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous period of the current year is The reason for the decrease in net profit during the current quarter compared to the previous quarter is due to the decrease in revenues in the current quarter compared to the previous quarter by 62.06%, given that the fourth quarter is the best quarter of the year for the company’s revenues.
Statement of the type of external auditor’s report Unmodified conclusion
Modification, Qualification or Emphasis of a Matter as Stated within the External Auditor Opinion None
Reclassification of Comparison Items Certain comparative figures for the period ending on March 31, 2021 have been reclassified to conform to the presentation and classification of the current period