The 3s system is the ideal solution for companies that have multiple points of sale such as supermarkets, clothing companies, footwear, pharmacies, drug stores and spare parts. The point of sale management system is designed in a way that ensures speedy performance and complete ease of dealing, and to make to cashier's work easy. This system is fully linked to the warehouse management system and the financial accounting system.
Programming language c ++ and sql databases
Identification of items by date of completion, production, payment number for each item and sale by defined data
Managing the movement of sales and purchases, payments related to supplies, movement of items, their balance and expiry dates, in addition to linking with finance
Follow up on bank and fund affairs, checks, daily profitability account, bonus, alternative items, and damaged items
Print coupon for clients and follow up points for customer purchases
High potential retail stores.
Recognize efficiently with all types of POS devices and accessories
Quickly enter items using a barcode reader
Linked to sales, inventory and accounts
Deal with more than one type of payment (network, cash, and all credit cards)
Dealing with the system of powers supported by the system
Dealing with partial and total sales returns and the stored effect of that
Issuing invoices and debiting inventory while posting sales invoices.
Printing receipts, putting the corporate logo and greeting signs on the bill.